TorusInfotech comprises a prime supplier of online Research Services. We could assist you sieve through the cardinal levels of information accessible upon the Internet to accumulate the data that you require and store/analyze it the manner that most well fits your demands. TorusInfotech helps you through all your internet explore, data collection and analysis demands. We're valuable for accumulating data upon a in progress base to study & render them to uprise business schemes and tactical openings.
Our Online / Internet research services are purposed at assisting you discover the solutions to queries you prefer to acknowledge and more direct exploring the Net. (For deeper explore, addressing a broad range of subscription and pay-to-use databases we urge our data broking service which addresses a practically broader reach of informants than could be discovered on the Net).
Our research is not just based on search engine like Google, Yahoo and Bing but we use over 100 regional search engines to give more efficient service for our customers no matter if are from France, Belgium, New Zealand or Brazil, we hold the capability to provide most efficient research report for any region in the world.
We're considerably prepared to address a broad range of Online Web Research assigning including online Marketing Research, Business Research, and Searches on branded databases. We as well take on deep explore and analysis upon the Net on your specific subjects/topics.
Our search methodological analysis make use of the effectivenesses of over 100 diverse search engines including Bing, AOL, HotBot, Lycos, Webcrawler, Netscape, Altavista, Alltheweb, Teoma, Gigablast, Northern Light, Google, Yahoo! This gives our internet research broadest and assures that our search reports are well-matched to precisely the sort of info you require.